NaturalPoint TrackIR 5
 Hyper accurate, fully adjustable, and only three square inches in size—TrackIR 5 is the one piece of kit that discriminating gamers crave. Take advantage of our 6 DOF head tracking technology, which links your actual movement in three-dimensional space to your in-game view!
Your increased situational awareness will make you the most feared competitor around. In dogfights, you'll be impossible to shake. In white-knuckle races, you'll be impossible to pass. In tactical combat, you'll be impossible to flank. MovingYour Head Changes the View As youmove in your chair and rotate your head small amounts, your game-viewwill precisely correspond. You never have to look away from the monitorbecause all aspects of your motion are amplified and adjustable. For ademonstration of how TrackIR head-tracking works, check out the Flashdemo below, or check out the videos. Degreesof Freedom There are only 6 waysyou can move around in 3D space. There are 3 ways to lean, and 3 waysto rotate. The technical term for all of these movements is "6 Degreesof Freedom" (or "6DOF"). True6DOF support is one of the main things that puts TrackIR well ahead ofany other input device. TrackIREnhanced ModeWhen a game developerbuilds support for TrackIR directly into the code for their game, we callthat game "TrackIR Enhanced". The latest TrackIR Enhanced titlesare always listed here. TrackIR is a new formof input that doesn't affect the mouse, keyboard and joysticks you arealready using. Those other inputs are now able to do the things you'dexpect your hands to be doing, completely independent of your new head-trackingview controller. 3DFrom A Flat Screen This whole experienceis commonly called a "VR fishtank" method (as opposed to the"VR Goggles" experience you may have seen in movies), becauseyou don't have to wear any sort of headset or hardware. Everything ishandled using advanced motion capture techniques. The point of TrackIRis to make controlling your game's view completely seemless and natural.You will forget you have TrackIR setup at all, because looking at yourmonitor is like looking through a window into a 3D world. Customizationis the Key What makes TrackIR muchmore than joystick or mouse are the ways TrackIR's software lets you customizehow your movement will be processed for each of the 6 Degrees of Freedom. You can make your left/rightrotation very fast, so you can turn 180 degrees in your game by just movingan inch in real life. You can then make your up/down rotation very slow,perhaps because you're in a car and there's nothing of interest to lookup or down at. YouWant 6DOF Control, Even For a 2DOF Game TrackIR tells your gameexactly where your head is, in 3D space. Not all games take full advantageof this input, because there wasn't an easy and cheap way to control yourgame in 3D space before TrackIR. But since TrackIR knows exactly whatyou're doing, it will be easier to control the game. For example, leaningto the right won't be mistaken for turning your head. That's the benefitof separately tracking all of the "6 Degrees Of Freedom" inwhich you can move.
TrackIRChanges Everything Experience realtime 3D view control in video games and simulations just by moving yourhead! The only true 6DOF head tracking system of its kind. TrackIR takesyour PC gaming to astonishing new levels of realism and immersion! The TrackIR 5 isNaturalPoint's premium product - the best optical headtracking systemavailable. TrackIR 5 representsan evolution in gaming input, taking NaturalPoint's proven optical trackingtechnology to the next level. PutYour Head In The Game! Works Greaton Laptops and Flatscreens! You can attachthe TrackIR 5 to your laptop or flat screen by adjusting the'clamp feet' to 'grip' the top of the screen. | | 
| The TrackClip, included with every TrackIR 5 purchase, attaches to the brim of a hat or visor and has three retro-reflective markers that direct infrared light back to the camera. |
If you game with a headset you may wish to condsidering adding the TrackClip Pro Accessory (shown below). The TrackClip Pro attaches to most PC headsets, comes with active LED markers, and is useful when you need to track from further away. |
TrackClipPRO AccessoryBring Head Tracking to Your Headset
The perfect TrackIR accessory, clips to the left side of most over-the-ear headsets. Combined with a TrackIR, the TrackClipPRO delivers precise 6 degrees of freedom view control.
On your favorite headset, the only thing you will notice aboutthe lightweight TrackClip PRO is your improved gaming experience. 
Features: System Requirements: - Requires TrackIR 5 or the earlier TrackIR 4 PRO Series or TrackIR 3 (with Vector)
- Range 2 to 5 feet (61 cm to 152 cm)
- Fits headset bands up to 1 1/4" wide and up to 1/2" thick